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Arrival and Departure

Arrival and Departure

Bus Regulations

Students are assigned to ride school busses that will pick them up and drop them off close to their homes.  Bus numbers and stops are published and sent home before the opening of school.  Students are not permitted to ride a bus other than their assigned bus.  Students are expected to listen to the bus driver and follow the bus regulations at all times to ensure their safety and the safety of others.   Regular walkers are not permitted to ride school buses.  

Temporary bus change form


Parking is permitted in the lined spaces in the front, side, and lots closest to Pennell Road. Our 30-minute guest spaces in front of the building should be utilized first before other parking spaces for brief visits to our office/school during the school day, however, the area in front of the school cannot be entered between the hours of 8:00 to 8:50am and 3:00 to 4:00pm when only busses are permitted to drive in front of the school.


